2013年12月6日 星期五

About the emguCV running in Windows Phone 8

在十月份的時候我在EmguCV的社群發了一封留言,請教EmguCV有沒有支援在WP8 APP。就在11/3我收到回覆,內容為:

Sorry, Windows Phone 8 is not supported. Windows 8 App store refers to the Windows 8 store running on x86, not Windows phone 8 store running arm. Microsoft is having too many different platforms at the moment:

1. Windows Desktop (regular windows executable)
2. Windows 8 App store App running on x86 (used to be called the metro interface)
3. Windows RT App store running on ARM (e.g. MS Surface, Surface 2) 
4. Windows Phone 8 App store running on ARM (e.g. Nokia phones)

As silly as it seems, app build for one platform cannot run on the others. None of platform 2, 3 and 4 seems to be a success at the moment and market share is small. Emgu CV currently support platform 1 & 2. It is possible to support platform 3 but we do not see enough demand for it. We don't have a road map for platform 4 yet because open cv do not support Windows Phone 8. 

Best regards,


    EmguCV目前支援在x86架構上,所以Windows Desktop跟Windows 8 App可以呼叫來用。但是WinRT跟WP8是ARM架構,所以不支援。
    在最後一段他寫了一些原因,也似乎婊了一下Microsoft。Win8 App、WinRT App跟WP8 App都是你家的東西,但build出來的App卻不能全部支援,有點愚蠢,而且這三個東西現在似乎還沒成功,市場也小。

